The Relation Between Diabetes and your Oral Health

In the United States, Diabetes affects 29.1 people, or 9.3% of the population. Diabetes is well known for affecting many areas of the body, including the kidneys and heart. However, did you know that Diabetes is also linked to oral health problems? People suffering from Diabetes are at an increased risk of developing periodontitis, an…

Make No Bones About It…Dental Care is Important!

If you have Osteoporosis, you’re not alone. In the United States, more than 53 million people are affected by the disease! Osteoporosis is a condition in which the body is unable to keep up with new bone creation when older bones are damaged or fractured. This disease affects both men and women, mainly affecting bones…

Oral Hygiene and Heart Health…What’s the Connection?

Our mouths are the perfect breeding ground for germs and bacteria! The moisture in our mouths creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive and multiply. Did you know that on average, a typical human mouth contains about 7 million bacteria, exceeding the number of people who live on earth? We don’t know about you,…

The Effects of Oral Hygiene on Overall Health

We’ve all heard that neglecting proper oral hygiene could result in bad breath, pesky stains, and a build-up of tartar and plaque. However, did you know that proper oral hygiene is essential to maintaining your overall health, and ensuring other organs in your body are healthy and strong? Implementing proper oral hygiene into your every-day…

How does dental health affect the immune system

Oral health is more important than most people realize! According to the Mayo Clinic, an unhealthy mouth may increase your risk of serious health problems, which can weaken your immune system. Do you know our mouths and are full of bacteria? If untreated, this bacteria can cause disease, inflammation, and/or pain. Regular checkups and professional…

What Is Tooth Enamel?

What is enamel? Tooth enamel is the outermost shell of a tooth. It is the hardest tissue in the human body, and is translucent. The enamel helps to protect the tooth from daily use (chewing, crunching, grinding). It acts as an insulator to the tooth from harmful temperatures and or chemicals. Enamel has no living…

What is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are helpful to improve your oral health and smile. A dental crown is a cap or cover that goes over a tooth to help protect it. Dental crowns use materials such as metal alloys, ceramics, porcelain or composite resin may be used to create your own. A crown can be shiny or it…

The Importance of Dental Cleanings

Are you coming in for a cleaning every 6 months? If not, you need to start scheduling regular dental cleanings with your dentist! Cleanings are for more than making your teeth look nice and shiny. Getting a regular dental cleaning can significantly help your health! Here are some of the reasons why dental cleanings are…

5 Summer Tips for a Healthy Smile

Summer break is not a time to take a break on your oral health! Here are 5 tips to maintain a healthy smile this Summer: Stay on routine Summer can be busy and filled with fun, but make sure to brush your teeth at least twice daily. Keeping a routine to brush in the morning…

The Importance of Flossing

Take a moment and think about when you vacuum up dust and dirt. Instantly, your carpet becomes brighter, cleaner and refreshed. The same applies to your teeth when you floss! Flossing your teeth daily has significant benefits on your oral health. Spending a couple minutes a day to floss your teeth can save you from…